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Install Dragonfly Kubernetes Operator

Dragonfly Operator is a Kubernetes operator used to deploy and manage Dragonfly instances inside your Kubernetes clusters. Main features include:

  • Automatic failover
  • Scaling Horizontally and Vertically
  • Custom configuration options

Currently, Dragonfly Operator is in Alpha. You can find more information about Dragonfly in the official documentation.


  • Working Kubernetes cluster (tested with Kubernetes 1.19+)
  • kubectl installed and configured to connect to your cluster


Make sure to have your Kubernetes cluster up and running. Dragonfly Operator can be installed by running

# Install CRDs
kubectl apply -f
# Install the operator
kubectl apply -f

By default, the operator will be installed in the dragonfly-operator-system namespace.


Creating a Dragonfly instance

To create a sample Dragonfly instance, you can run the following command:

kubectl apply -f

This will create a Dragonfly instance with 3 replicas. You can check the status of the instance by running

kubectl describe dragonfly-sample

A service of the form <dragonfly-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local will be created, that selects the master instance. You can use this service to connect to the cluster. As pods are added/removed, the service will automatically update to point to the new master.

Connecting with redis-cli

To connect to the cluster using redis-cli, you can run:

kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never redis-cli --image=redis:7.0.10 -- redis-cli -h dragonfly-sample.default

This will create a temporary pod that runs redis-cli and connects to the cluster. After pressing shift + R, You can then run Redis commands as usual. For example, to set a key and get it back, you can run

If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
dragonfly-sample.default:6379> GET 1
dragonfly-sample.default:6379> SET 1 2
dragonfly-sample.default:6379> GET 1
dragonfly-sample.default:6379> exit
pod "redis-cli" deleted

Scaling up/down the number of replicas

To scale up/down the number of replicas, you can edit the spec.replicas field in the Dragonfly instance. For example, to scale up to 5 replicas, you can run

kubectl patch dragonfly dragonfly-sample --type merge -p '{"spec":{"replicas":5}}'

Passing Custom Dragonfly Arguments

To pass custom arguments to Dragonfly, you can edit the spec.args field in the Dragonfly instance. For example, to have Dragonfly require a password, you can run

kubectl patch dragonfly dragonfly-sample --type merge -p '{"spec":{"args":["--requirepass=supersecret"]}}'

Vertically scaling the instance

To vertically scale the instance, you can edit the spec.resources field in the Dragonfly instance. For example, to increase the CPU limit to 2 cores, you can run

kubectl patch dragonfly dragonfly-sample --type merge -p '{"spec":{"resources":{"requests":{"memory":"1Gi"},"limits":{"memory":"2Gi"}}}}'